AberNecessities SCIO


About us

AberNecessities provides disadvantaged families with the essential and basic necessities that No Child Should Go Without.

From maternity bundles for mother and baby to nappies, formula milk, clothing, toys and equipment for children aged 0-18 years, AberNecessities recognises the importance of meeting the basic needs of a child in order to give them the best start possible.

Unfortunately, 21.8% of children in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire are living in poverty, which means that 1 in every 5 children is facing extreme financial hardship The charity has seen an immediate and sustained surge from families with pre-existing vulnerabilities as well as from those experiencing loss of employment and financial insecurity for the first time.

Since launching in March 2019, AberNecessities has helped over 12,000 children across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. To us that means, over 12,000 full tummies, over 12,000 pairs of cosy hands and feet and over 12,000 smiles.

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